And now we have the reality of the love. We can make the life better and make the system in systematically. Clearly decide what I want to achieve in my life than it increase one by one so that our universe can also responded me. In crowed also we find the same for what I find in my life.
It is in giving that you receive. My emotion will tell the realistic of life. Giving truly is receiving. Our body and mind the realist of life and once we feel the life of feeling than we can feel the maturity of life. When we say wrong to other that time it start to create their own world.
Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationship with other. We might even have some degree of success. When the sum is shining. But when the difficult times come and they will, we won’t have the foundation to keep things together.
Interdependence opens up world of mastery possibility for deep, rich, meaningful association, for geometrically increased productivity. You cannot change the fruit by changing root. Win-win is a frame of a mind and heart that can constantly seeks mutual benefits in all human interaction.
Think win-win is the habit of international leadership. It evolves the exercise of each self-awareness, imagination, conscience and independent.
Character is the foundation of win/ win and everything build on the foundation we develop self-awareness and independent by making and keeping meaningful promise and commitment. Maturity is the balance between courage and consideration.
From the foundation of character, we build and maintain win/ win relationship. The trust the emotional Bank account is the essence of win/ win. Without trust, we lack the credibility for open, mutual learning and communication and real creativity.
You stay longer in the communication process. You listen more, you listen in greater depth. You express yourself with greater courage. You aren’t reactive. You go deeper inside yourself for strength of character to be proactive. Creating Win/ Win performance agreements requires vital paradigm shifts.
“So often the problem is in the system, not in the people”. If you put good people in bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow.
First see the problem from other point of view. Really seek to understand and to give expression to the needs and concerns of the other party as well as or better than they can themselves. So are speaking and listening. In fact, those are the four basic type of communication.
And think of all the hour you spend doing at least one of those four things. Communication is the most important skill in life. We must spend some time for learning how to read and write, and how to speak.
Empathic listening involves much more than reregistering, reflecting or even understanding the words that are said. Communication experts estimate, in fact, that only 10 percent of our communication is represent by the words we say. Another 30 percent is represented by the sound and 60 percent by our language.
Everybody has a need of achievement. Achievement means moving forwarded. In order to mean of forwarded means you inspired and ambitious, goal. It does not been selfish and angry, but not mean for hoping. Desire means to work harder for my life and to fulfil happiness in my family.
If I really wanted to achieve some very best in world so must have to be very ambitious at all the time in our life. I must have list of goal, a list of reason personal reason to do best in my life.
Why I want to do these all. Family problem gives us and motivates us how to face world. What is the main reason so that you are in he filed to fight with your adversities? Do you have the right knowledge to ask some new for your life?
“People who started from nothing. People who focus the reality on the right direction. And just he understands why he comes in world. He made himself a millionaire of thought”.
Story of success is all around us. Read the story of successful and understand what the common thing on their life is.
Never divert from your mission. Dedicative people have a consistency to devote time and labour on particular works and how failures come and what you learn from you work. The great comes only by dedication. There not any mean to do perfection and quality work.
Things depend upon how much time and dedication giving on your work. Efforts and result are also congruent to the success. Never more focus on talent. Because there is not good mind. There is always a trained mind. So trained your mind better and do some better in your life.
Talent depend how fast your skill developed. Some cases this opportunity comes only by dedication. Talent also how to become fast skills. Efforts makes skill trained. Every morning wakeup in the morning doesn’t mean that you are perfect. You right time required for your right purposes.
Efforts make skills talents. Do and finished your all small works. A top level goal is the meaning of the sources of energy. Your goal is the design of all the meaning of your universe.
Grit the power of Passion and Perseverance
Passion helps all the time whenever I required to do some very effective work in our life. There is the way how I influence the world and same how the world will influence to me.
So first change your programming and re-programme your habit. For that you daily charged daily by ethic, Satsang – Chintan and Manan. Once re-programming is succeed so will have the power to do some next good habit achieved and will also achieved best in your life at all the moment.
If I want to be successful in my life so I must have to understand the strategies of success. First you read the book thoroughly any book and understand you read and understand and learn from that book.
However, you must realise and visualize what you actually required in your life. You focus on your future. For motivation you increase your work more and more so that you can do some better and will also achieve best at all the time.
Focus on your only 20 percent of your work what is most priority on your work. Exercise makes us very smart to us. Make planning of your life and make a goal of your life so that to be a creative work and efficiency talent will comes by default.
If want to be perfect in any work so must have to be practice 1000 hours in any work so that you will be perfect in any work. “I need more time to improve for my work and if do continuously so I will achieved success in my work”.
How scientifically we can use the mind? Lucy film is the matter of fact. 100% body and mind activated and will activate once you start to do meditation. Concentration is something different by its very difficult to understand what is concentration.
Whenever we go to somewhere so first of all we have the dimension of love. Always focus on road and be focus on every work. How body do the work. How mind work that depend on our mind is related with subconscious mind which has millions and millions of information as automatic system. Whenever get angry so why we feel angry on the feeling.
It happens due to strong visualization and thinks differently. These all happens only by strong meditation.
Difference between Perception and Reality
Perception means not have the realistic reason of love. Is wonderful to reliable. The way which I finding by myself the same is also find by them to us. Once we fell the greatness of it than only we feel great in our life.
This energy can create anything in life and all the things are finished in energy. Like God’s mind. Law say that all the energy creates only by adopting the manifestation of the life. Energy will not tell whether one million or one rupees or a bicycle.
This depending on your focus. Albert Enstine said that Energy can covert anytime in matter and Matter can convert any time in energy.
Feel the emotion for vibration to interact with quantum physic and same will come in our hand. Instantly can manifest the level of love and deep manifestation.
This matter of fact is realise the level of fact. How will we command the feeling and emotion? Once we become the family of library so we can use all the discipline and welfare of library. My thought is the master of my perfection.
Meditation is the power to use senses and increase the level of the God. Then I can connect with the quantum physic I must have distract with normal life and give full concentration to adore life beautiful life. Whenever doing meditation so love the life better.
Be a technology of your own universe. What’s the return? What we give that doesn’t means that the same will return by continuous obeying the philosophy will give by different way. Normal life gives the life systematic life.