What is Silent? How can we make better with the help of the power of the silence? You will achieve the best with silence. To ahead the level of best you most become unique from world.

‘Think differently does differently’. If I will be silent so I will get the answer of all type of answer whatever I want from our life. Simultaneously when we start to increase our level slowly we start to increase on the top level of our best where we want to reach.

So be silent and be efficacy. Ultra-focus state on your word with silent may know the details of your work.

If you really want to achieve success so must make silent on yourself. Why and how people get their life better and what is the reason on their views on what he ready to receive.

De-construct your life and maintain their life by believing. You can change your world by changing your mind- set. Learn to be best for what you want to be learning. ‘Understand and read the history of historian to make history of your own magic life’.



So whatever want in life so be serious on the subject. Once you started to think on the subject consistently then matter automatically started to attract you also. Negative and positive emotion is already existed in the world but it doesn’t mean that you think for negative.

Be positive and think for positive. Think whatever is happening these all are happening and it’s a part of our life. My thought is the master of my journey and my thought is the guru of my entire dimension.

And I can enjoy the top level of our universe. Try to listen the word of universe and feel the happiness. Always be straight and take a good breath and think where you are and concentrate of your thought what are you thinking. Meditation is the part and art of human being.

Choose a point in front of you and start to see at least ten minutes so that you feel what arises in mind and your mind start to centralize and awakening your inner happiness and truth.

You will feel that slowly you and your eyes will close down.  When you start to closed your eyes then feel like you will relax.

So then the entire universe will start to attract you and also start to listen nearby sound and little far sound. It be the same what you listen. Listening sound means attracting universe what I feel in reality. The whole universe is the master of my lobe.

I take the beautiful breath and release through head to feet smoothly. Now we see all my body getting relax slowly and slowly. Breathing is the matter which cannot be controlled and cannot be maintained unless we m do meditation properly.

When we see our inner world then to say its called meditation. Since you start to see your inner world that means you are ready to understand the  matter of universe.

Leave it as like small child playing a doll and you also play with your universe and see your body.  Your body will also feel the same.  Once your body will attract your sound of universe then the entire universe will also start to attract you systematically.

The meaning of concentration and meditation is to understand the reality of life and connect the  power of universe by default.  I am the master of my own universe and concentration.

So that all my diversities will start to dilute slowly. These breathing systems disciplines will change the system of living standard. See the breathing whether we can feel it or not.

Feel like you can feel all your breath moment very deeply. My thought is the responsibility of my inner world. If my thought is ok so my life will also be ok.

Once again understand the reality of your life and do good practice so that you can achieve best in your life. Your all inner world is your own God and this God will tell you what to do and what to not do in your future. 

You have already searched the lot in your outer world but cannot find any good aspect in your inner world so find it the wealth in your inner world which is yours and waiting for you.

Once you got the wealth of your meditation so you will be the master of your journey.  Just feel your breath and heal proper way.  Live with and like a Great king.  Start to see your inner world. Your mind is ready to find the best solution in your universe.

Your concentration is very important in your life. If you are alone that means you are ready to find out to yourself. Develop your concentration to feel your breath.

See your inner world and what your breath is telling to you and what it directing. You feel cold on your nose that means healing properly. 

This system will tell you how to take decision in life.  Become aware of every moment that this breath is awaking and focus your full attention.

The people who staying between the natures they always are happy. They must practice the level of natures and study the people those who stay with natures.

Natural environment always keep you energetic and gives you lot of power to understand and to speak with natures.



Secret the law of attraction which arises in our mind same it happens in our life. It vibrates all the things in universe in certain frequencies which also attract the law of circumstances. 

Ask with natures in clearly so that your thought can reach to universe.

Mixed vibration will confuse the universe. Ask belief and receive and feel the reality of life. How you belief on yourself. It is the internal feelings which you feel in yourself.

The law of attraction is the highly effective to conquered the natures. Visualize the goal for what you want to ask with natures and what you want from your inner life.

Make postures of what you want to become in your life and paste on your visual board. So that your adversities will also be start decrease simultaneously.

Your board should be in front of your eye. So that every morning you can see the board and can feel the reality of life for what you want to survive which directly make you efficacy in your prosperous life.

Please friend understands the fundamental of secret of nature which drastically will change your life.

Because once you started to believe on the law of gratitude slowly you start to change your inner adversities what you always in that adversities and circumstances.

Money and wealth all will attract only by feeling and acting for what you want to be survive in your life. Your mind must be become according to your long term procedures. So unless you realise the matter you can’t achieve the success.

Love your natures and love to yourself because you can feel. All the things what comes from religion is ethical and all are a form a source and spirit.

I am creature and I am the inventors. Intention is must require to innovate it.  The power of intention means how strong you are. The more your make strong to your desire the more you get easy to your destiny.

And this is the only one universal truth and the way to get free from your all adversities. All matters originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atoms vibration and holds this most minutes solar system of the atoms together.  We all have the power of sub-conscious mind which can change our system and can give me a lot of the power to change my world.

When we started to see the reality then the reality also converted”.  Desire is important to knock our subconscious mind. My soul is one desire which ready to communicate me and will provide me all what we want. Look at the deeper eyes to change it. We are getting deeper desire. The desire is like aim. In order to achieve our goal somehow we change we put here to grow here. Energy and natures are exists everywhere in nature.

Universe is full of intention and desires. We need new decision with strong desires so that we get the emotion with desire and will get the high frequency.

Good decision will continue that why I am doing these will create unless we not write why I am doing these all activities and so that slowly it started to increase my time from one hour to three hour and slowly it started to increase the value of work.

Once we consistent on desire work so we must be perfect on our work. We become what we think. Law of attraction will help me to fulfil all my desire and can achieve the foremost wants.

The power of subconscious mind will change unless we try to excavate it.

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