1. Every successful people make alert in their own life. Once you know who you are and where, which direction you are going means you are in right track. Try to know the science by which you getting knowledge.
We have such knowledge which enlightened and may get lot of happiness in our life. If you think, so you can because desires and expectation is the seeds of achieving success. ‘WHAT IS LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING’.
You need daily practices and your consistency to adore your life better. “Decision and destination depending upon your desires and emotion”.
If your pain is greater than what you think to achieve so your present adversities will nothing in front of dream.
99% of people earn only by body and invested only to body. This kind of people never invested money on their mind. They never think to do more than that. But a singer, writer, philosopher, dancer, doctor, engineer and player etc. always do work on it.
Only 5% of people do that practices who have all the happiness. All the man who do work on itself they do anything on itself. They are very grateful who try to come from 95% people to 5% of success people.
Therefore, writer thinking to change the world from 95% to 5%. What is the biggest disease of this world? Yes, ‘ACREASIA’.
Those who has not controlled on itself they are called Akrasia. It means with low desires who are uninterested people. They never wait for last of the validity before they get recharge, before them ready, before they completed all their work what must require in their life.
Those who also think to do but never originate that means they never does anything. They never take any step to get and raise in morning. We must read book and listen the lecture of successful people. ‘WHAT IS LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING’.
We must attain seminar and their training period to learn something best for itself or investing money on our mind. Eliminate all those faults. Just analyze to yourself how you will get effort to complete and initiate any best work in your life.
Just give command to yourself and your mind that you can do it in your life. Slowly you may start to get rich in your life. ‘WHAT IS LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING’.
All the day give command to your mind that you must do it and you have the power of your will to innovate your life and can change your adversities in simple way.
You must have the dedication of your education to learn the reality of your life. What is education? Which innovate and convert your life from adversities to freedom from comfortable life?
In my life always will tell I will do, I will complete and I will finish my work anyway. Take instant decision in your life. ‘WHAT IS LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING’.
Those who eliminate acresia disease they can do it anything. One word required in such a way so that work will change your life totally and will give you enormous happiness life. You must be become like that so that your son will say I just want to become like my father.
2. You never say ‘yes’ to anything. Always say “NO” and use more and more ‘NO’ to any one. So that you have more option for you to engaged to yourself.
If you taken decision yes without any understand. The things which say yes by me that means I am in wrong path. You are not in goal oriented man so that taking any such decision. Increase one percent on your daily life.
“The one who is emotionally attached with their own reason they definitely will be get success in his life”. We must be commitment in our life. The life will remain the same if we not do anything in our life.
Our dedication must be consistent to be existent in competent world. Our life is like hand pump, if not press continually so the level of water goes down. So the same our mind is also like the same.
If do continues practices so it is good, otherwise it will be disappeared slowly and slowly.
3. You never distract from your adversities because your adversities will not damage and disappear to you. You are the master of your journey and nobody is like you.
A positive mind set people always is happy in any situation. If you don’t have any business source so you will have the best solution and that is ‘Reading Habit’.
Your book reading habit will make you the greatest one in your life. And that will also give you more and more money what you never except in your life.
4. What is Hyper Focus?
“In scientific it’s called Hyper Focus. It means you have special dedication of any particular work. You are emotionally attached with your work.
Switch off your all auto piolet mode works by which you get distracting. The things which we have think for that instead you don’t think that what you have not.
Just write it down your all dream on your note book and review the concept of your dream. If I need success so must have try to and fight for that and figure how to look after five years”.
Doing labors doesn’t mean that you will get success in your life or to achieve opportunity/ luck. But how luck will get it.
Luck will also come by different way. It has special scientific reason to re-call luck. Whenever opportunity comes so focus on opportunity and study & analyze on opportunity.
Recognize the level of the sub-conscious mind by which luck comes and converted in to opportunity.
What is Science of Luck?
Science of Luck
The science of getting luck means doing the practices by which we can get the level of opportunity and get benefit of the life and get your success in your life.
Find the meaning of your life. Everyone’s life has their own meaning. In this universe has a special power which has to understand deeply. And those who understand deeply they get surely grabbed the opportunity.
All the things are science. “Whatever happening in this world is happening only by science”.
‘Rays, Recognized and Response are the strategies to achieve luck’. Work and benefit will get it you how much efforts given and giving to that work.
The more we do, the more it spread. The work will spread the same how the time you have given for that work.
Therefore, you have very less time initiate and finish the work before you die. There is nothing sure for your life.
This line is dangerous line but not wrong concept. So that focuses on your dedication. Distribute your works in 15-15 minutes to finish your daily work.
‘It is called Parke in Son’s Law’. Nobody can believe that you have the ability to achieve anything in the world and you have the power to achieve anything in which you believe it.
But once you emotionally touched to anything that means you all desire’s power starts to come by default. And let them to come that opportunity.
5. Tomorrow is new and uses your brain to complete. Make the move and make the action.
Friends believe it or not, your parents believe it or not, just you must believe it on your goals. (LIFE CHANGING MAGIC)
Your team must believe it. Let’s make mistake. When other people happy and successful so you will also be.
Don’t follow the money, just chase the goal, money comes automatically. Unlucky to know that how practices have to do in my life so that how much practices have to do in my life.
So that always tries to solve problem of others. If successful people can existed in the world so don’t I cannot existed on that place.
There is the some strategies’ which have done by all successful people and the same practices and dedication, consistency have to be also do with more focus.
Then automatically all the efforts will come in my fee. So think about other and help to people. If other people will content/ happy so you will also be happy and will get it you money as much as you can’t believe in your life.
Author’s don’t have rich father but they did it the practices more and more and achieved their own success. How the people do practices and how did they achieve it their success.
Actually what is the main strategies and formula so that they get their all desires? They are always optimistic for their future. They never complained instead they always tried to solve problem.
Where you be optimistic there always opportunity. If the people say I don’t have the time and I don’t have the money to solve the problem so that it means it is the best chance to do initiate any work efficiently and prominently. Don’t complain let the other people complain.
The opportunity always disappeared from there from where people starts to complain.
I the other people wake up in the morning so it means you also have to wake up in the morning just do what you interested. To everybody to any person tomorrow is new.
You believe it your team believe it your day starts to initiate your work efficiently. Make enough mistakes you falls and stand up and start to focus on the work.
“Doesn’t worry about money, money follow the people, people should follow the dream”. If you have a dream so just go ahead. Either work for others or work for itself.
Working for yourself means working for the society. Great company and the great people have their always tough times. If I have hope so my natures will also create a hope to give me.
Your ideas will get it only by innovating and after that you will get it the perfection on your goal.
6. The act of tidying is a series of simple actions in which objects are moved from one place to another.
Success in 90 per cent dependent on our mind-set. So how can you acquire the right kind to make mind-set? “
The Kon Mari Method I describe in this book is not a mere set of rules on how to sort, organize and put things away.
It is guide to acquiring the right mind-set for creating order and becoming a tidy person.
As an organizing fanatic and professional, I can tell you right now that no matter how hard I try to organize another space, no matter how perfect a storage system I devise, I can never put someone else’s house in order in the true sense of term.
Why? Because person awareness of an perspective awareness on his or her own lifestyle are far more important than any skill at sorting, storing or whatever.
7. You Can’t Tidy If You Have Never Learnt How
When you have finished putting your house in order, your life will change dramatically.
Now is the time to learn. By studying and applying the KonMari Method already show in above in this content, you can escape the vicious circle of clutter.
Make a habit of doing a little at a time. If you have never succeeded in staying tidy to date, then you will find it next to impossible to develop the habit of tidying a little at a time.
People cannot change their habits without first changing their way of thinking. And that’s not easy. This doesn’t mean that tidying your room will actually y calm your troubled mind.
While it may help you feel refreshed temporarily. While it may help you feel to next level achieved. What is the first problem that comes to mind when you think of tidying?
It is human nature to take the easy route and most people leap at storage method that promise quick and convenient way to remove visible clutter. Every day I tried to clean my room and surrounding area.
Because it feels me harmonious, content and excitement in my life.
I maintained this custom even after entering high school. Don’t change the method to suit your personality because it may change and can harm your life bitterly.
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