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1.           What is the Golden Rules of Life?  He who learns to be in harmony in the respiration of the cosmos enters into the sphere of divine consciousness and feel you happiness from inners.

From now on you must take better care of your nervous system and give it a chance to relax from time to time.

The great secret in sustaining a high quality of activity is to learn to work with love, for it is love that strengthen, verifies and resuscitates/ saves, you cannot get good result from your work if you don’t love it, if you see it as nothing more than a way of earning a living.

To be sure, it will earn you some money but you will gradually lose all your joy and enthusiasm and find yourself becoming irritable.

You can work for hours with love and not feel the least bit tired, but if you work, even if only for a few minutes, without love, in a spirit of anger and revolt, everything starts to seize up inside you and all your strength seep away.

2.           It is important to understand the power and efficacy of love. Whatever you do, do it with love or don’t do at all. For anything you do without love only fatigues and poison you, and you need not be surprised to find yourself drained and ill.

You should see all these improvements as how many opportunities to give more time to spiritual activities. This is the true significance of technical progress to free human begins. You must learn to pay more attention to the possibilities of the inner dimension, for it is there, in your inner world, that you spend your life. 

You are not always looking at, listening to, touching or tasting things on the outside, but you are always with yourself, in your inner world, and you have never learned to make use of all its wealth. This is the world that belongs to you.

3.           You must learn to see beyond this shabby future and look for new horizons, open your windows into the infinite so as to see what the future of mankind will really be, how God envisages it, and anticipate it already in your daily life.

Don’t say, yes but I will be dead by then it won’t happen in my time for in saying that you will be refusing all that is truly beautiful.

The present must be a time of conscious enlightened action, drawing its wisdom from the lesson of the past and stimulated by all the possibilities of the future.

This is the perfect situation, the lessons of the past and God knows mankind’s past hold many lessons and the infinite possibilities of the future.

Your consciousness must expand until it attains the dimensions of the divine consciousness.

4.           The Importance of Beginnings.  Be aware of the forces you set in motion and you must never undertake anything until you know what forces you will be setting in motion, for it is the beginning that counts.

It is at the moment when something begins that certain forces are set in motion, and these forces cannot be halted in mid-flight.  

When someone is anxious and confused he is bound to make mistakes and complicated or people act blindly and in haste, and the result are never satisfactory.

book, old, clouds


If you want to act correctly, you must first seek the light you need. Isn’t this true, even on the purely physical plane. Suppose that you are woken up in the middle of the night by a noise and something has perhaps fallen over and broken.

When you are about to do something for the first time, take care to be clam and to concentrate on accomplishing the very first gesture accurately and flawlessly. 

Then do it again and again, until you reach the right rhythm and speed, and you will see that it will become easier and easier and still be flawless. If you constantly make mistakes in certain areas, it is because, without your realizing it, the first categories to cut faulty.

Therefore it is study yourself and learns how you react. Once you see this clearly, you have the means you need to face up to every situation, it will give you the impetus to bring into play all the possibilities that God has implanted in your subconscious, your consciousness and your super consciousness.

There is several kind of attention. The kind that is most familiar to us, of course, is the sustained mental application we have to use in order to do our work properly, listen to a lecture or read a book. But there is another kind of attention call itself observation  introspection. 

You must keep your eyes open so as to know at every instant what your inner state of consciousness is. Only those who keep their eyes open possess the intelligence of the inner life and can no longer fall a prey to every alien force or entity. The things are so obvious someone who is asleep can always be taken by surprise. 

 It is like a fair in which they can sample all kinds of exotic attractions, even such dangerous attractions as drugs, black magic and unbridled sexuality.

It is time you understood that true spirituality means that you yourself become the living expression of the divine teaching you follow.

Practice is more Important Than Theory. Try to grasp the fundamental different between spiritual and intellectual work.

Let’s say that I give you an orange your intellect enables you to acquire a lot of information about that this is more difficult than theoretical knowledge and it requires an effort, but it is the only way to transform oneself.

No one can deny that it that it is interesting and even useful to learn about the attempts that human beings have been making for hundreds and thousands of years to pierce the mysteries of the universe and approach the Godhead, but it is not enough.  

Be contented with your lot and discontented with yourself.  There is different way of being contented. The first way is that of animals and they are satisfied with their lot, because they have no perception of their limitation and no reason to try to progress beyond.

This mentality is normal for animals but it is not good for human beings although, in fact many of them are quite satisfied with it. Another way of being content with one’s lot is what we might call acceptance a person understands that the trials he has to endure are the consequence of his past errors, so he puts up with them.

Nothing is more important or more solitary than to develop a taste and a love for spiritual activities and never to allow a single day to go by without meditating and praying and renewing your contact with heaven. Pause for a few minutes, several times a day, to get in touch with your central core.

Every thought, every feeling, every sentiments and every one of our actions has the property of attracting from space the material elements that correspond to it. Luminous, disinterested thoughts, feelings, desires and actions that are upheld by a firm intention of the will attract particles of pure, incorruptible matter.

When you leave this earth, the only fortune you can take with you will be the inner treasures that you have acquired by your own efforts.

And when you come back for your next incarnation, you will bring these treasures back with you, from the moment of conception during the period gestation, and the matter of your physical astral and mental bodies will be fashioned and molded conform exactly to the qualities and virtues that you are developing today, in your present incarnation. 

One of the reasons why you don’t make progress in your spiritual life is that you indulge in all kinds of activities that have no connection with your spiritual work, in the belief that they will not turn you away from the heights that you are aiming for.

The truth is that, if you yield to the temptation to experience this and try that, regardless of the nature and qualities of these experiments, when you want to rise to higher level inwardly, you will find that you are unable to free yourself.

If you cultivate very elevated spiritual ideas, it necessarily involves depriving yourself of a few things. If you spend the night in all kinds of amusements and effervescence.

Take the example of a diamond, if a diamond is so extraordinarily pure, it is because there is no mixture in it, it is pure carbon.

If add just one element to it and it  would no longer be a diamond disciple who want to touch, taste, experiment and know about everything, lose their value as diamonds, they become ordinary, opaque stones.

Our weakness are like so many doors, and entities that entities that have the intention to harm us try to slip into us through them. When we give into certain weakness, we give these entities the right to sneak in and torment us.

If we stand up to them and refuse to give in, they have no power over us. This is why I say that negative entities have only the power that you, yourself, give them. If you want to have nothing to do with them, don’t open your doors to them. They never force you they only make suggestions and it is you’re who accept.

Our Ideas Determine Our Actions. You say that you never relax your efforts to transform yourself but that you have nothing to show for it, that all your good resolutions do no good. Don’t be discouraged a profound transformation cannot be achieved all at once. It takes time.

Sooner or later, if you keep your good resolution constantly in mind, you will end by behaving in accordance with your desires. Your efforts are more important than the results and what counts in the eyes of heaven is not so much your successes as your efforts, for only your efforts keep you on the right path, your successes are liable to make you less vigilant. 

Even if your efforts are not crowned with success so even if your seem to get no results, it doesn’t matter at least you have been working.

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