1.       In this book author explaining for thinking The Power of Now by Surendar Thakur. Why this is too important for a human being. 

Thinking has become a type of disease and it happens only when things are out of balance.

The mind is a superb instrument if utilize rightly. Our mind is an instrumental tools. 
It is there to be a specific task and when the task is completed, it lay it down by default.
Why should we be addicted to thinking? If I really want to know our mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection.
So observing our emotions is important as observing our thought.
 Yes, friends of Book Readers if habit always asks permission whether to continue the lifestyle or be the same.
Feelings are the energy of our emotion, if emotion not present so take our attention more deeply. 
In fact, the harder the mind struggles to get-rid of the pain, the greater relief will convert into best output. 
Buddha said that, ‘Nobody’s life is entirely free of pain and sorrow so to control our mind use words now.
2.         Realize deeply that the present is all you ever have. You make the motto of now the primary focus of our life and always says ‘YES’ to the present situation so could be the more futile.
The present moment is very tough but it’s not impossible, whereas, if something not doing in present then that situation will become in bad situation. This habit will surely transform our whole life.

3.         Firstly accept and then act. Pain cannot feel joy. The pain body may seem to me like a dangerous monster but it assures us that it may be disappeared slowly by if know that.

4.     Observation of the mind opens up the dimension of the timeless.

The energy which is withdrawn from the mind taken into presence when we start to use our mind, it will be sharper and more focused.

There are the many things where people consciously resist the present moment for example remove itself from situation.

 If I want to take any action so first have to remove the negativity first. Any action after, better than no action.

5.         Always try to cope something new. We can improve our life situation but cannot improve life. Our life situation consists of our circumstances and our experience.

Every addiction starts with paining and ends with paining”. Every addiction reaches a point where it doesn’t work for anymore, and then we feel the pain more intensely than ever.

6.         This is one more reason why most people are always trying to escape from the present moment and are seeking some kind of salvation in the future.

In stillness of my presence, I feel my own form and timeless reality as the crucial life that our physical form.     

7.         The eternal one life underneath all the forms of life is co-related with God. Love to feel the presence of that one life deep within yourself and within all creatures.

 Therefore, all love is the love of God; Love is not selective, just as the light of the sun which is not selective.

There may be one person or anything who reflect our love back to you more clearly and more intensely than other, and if that person feels the same towards me it can be said that I am in love relationship with him or her.

8.         Please friends try to comment and dissolved from pain body. Beyond happiness and unhappiness there peace.
Whenever anything negative happens with us, there is deep lesson concealed, although you may not see it at the time. In higher perspective, the condition is always positive.
9.         That’s why we are saying that observation of the mind open up the dimension of the timeless.  
For that we must say what can we learn and what can we believe or what can we change. Dedication required for any work for many and many years.
12.     Make mindset and believe in ourself and start to believe on itself to achieve our goal. And challenging goal started to achieved automatically.
A man must have shared desired and believe for the goal. 

If not stop negative thinking at time so it starts to vanish our mind set slowly and slowly and to be away from negative which helps us to good creative.
Write good topic everyday and write something about ourself. Which helps to make us motive. 
This book means to do work at that time when it required. Don’t think whether its night or day while doing any continues work.
13.       Attitude and gratitude must be required for our life. Body and facial attitude are the most effective matters for our self.
Positive attitude showing the power of now means believing on ourself and should be morally good for himself. 
Be comfort with our decision. Nobody is superman and superb at any field so try to fight with fear. All the fear can be omitted once we think to do.
14.       Make a habit as use eye contact with everyone. As well as body language. 
Good gestures mean stand straight and light laugh. Impact fully communication is the very nice for anyone. 
Always focus on fear things in life. As emotional life required to any things better.

15.      What we will do if you think you have been lost every think.

 That time think for to do one that yes and one thing by which can get my success to achieved that things what I lost for that things. 

Start to focus on main things where we want to do one things in our life as potentially need to improve us.

The Power Of Now

16.       So start your time enjoying with our dream. Choosing lack of money means I have lack of confidence and lack of potential power. 

Hungry people are harder. Set higher and higher goal. How much time investing on our building our wealth.   

17.       To keep our focus must have to take an action everyday at least two hours. 

How much money Invested for financial education and for that money what we want earn more.

Knowledge is the best key to power. Financial illiteracy is creating lot of problem in any’s life. 

18.       Rich people are rich only because they face and solve difficult problem. So must learn to thrive on that problem. They solve problem as nobody can solve that problem.

If I also want to a good successful men so must try to solve very difficult problem which are also called said book of this content.

19.     Make a passion of enjoyable work for what I had done. All successful people are highly energy people and passionate about what they do. Find the passion that energies me.

What describe me the best one when one can say you cannot do these things? Find the times to change. 

We can also became two percent of the world by doing that regular work with continues ethical way. Hard work is my financial system. There are lot of people who do not has talent, but they are rich.

20.       Don’t think about reward always think for doing hard work. The principle of the book will help me with various ways no matter what their background.

Observe the attitude of your experience and react as an experience which will change you.

21.       Feel what I am feeling and make attitude is my attitude and return the best. In this world nobody can help to solve our problem. 

There in the world it very important things which have to be learn. Winners in our life has special type of quality. Think that your dream should to be very high.

22.       Be a dreamer not a dreamer. The idea always staying. Then  Idea themselves are light and happy. Then the tremendous passion to concert stone and glass.

I learn my passion from my father. Education is critical to success. I tremendously inspire by myself.

I must love what I do. I could believe myself as what I am doing that is in right direction.

Always see as a winner. I could believe myself as what I am doing that is in right direction.

23.       If I want to be successful in life so try to be handle the pressure in tremendously. We had not seen lot of smart people but can’t seen people who focus lot of problem.

LOT of the things are loved by the sports. if I have the feelings of the reality.

24.       Do the things only what you want to do only by itself. We divided to focus the things which I get fun. I also painted a vivid picture for my success.

25.       So friends we can make our own luck by creating that all the habit and activity which are create luck for our goal and our achievements.

Some people are get very lucky from other because they have the ability to since childhood to create environment to make luck and the time while they start they also achieved the luck by anyhow. : 

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