The Goal : A Process of On-going Improvement?
(a) Nobody will be happy with your vision and mission but depending on you that how will face the world means to achieve your goal. ‘The Goal : A Process of On-going Improvement’?
(b) Self -dedication and consistency must be required to win the game. Take full responsibility of your life. It is not that what happens makes difference important. Happens to everybody. It is for all. What you do that is change to all.
(c) There are two types of earning money ways and that is Experience and another is skill power. Experience already been exhausted but till now and still now your will power/ skill power/ knowledge will give you. So read more and more books because only book will help you to achieve your goal.
(d) We can see the world by looking from inside. You need reason to solve your financial problem. Without reason you cannot grow to yourself. ‘The Goal : A Process of On-going Improvement’?
A drinker can get drink from anywhere because he is dedicated and more consistent for his own drink. Therefore, only reason will change your life.
Talent will not enhance your life. Only reason will give the best after talent. You are more intelligent, but if you have not any reasons so you cannot achieve your success.

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