1. In this chapter Super Brain-IV: Surendar Thakur explaining the different and different type of strategies/ fundamental of mind.
Since every thought and feeling must register in the brain, it makes since that psychological symptoms like depression and anxiety are indications of faulty wiring that is a neural pathway has been laid down that continue to repeat the undesirable symptoms reiterate the same signal. Inner work is the area of subjective experience. A healthy day, as viewed by the brain, follows a natural cycle. You have had enough sleep to be adequately rested.
They deny themselves any spontaneity, and they resent (while secretly fearing). We will be more specific about the spiritual side of inner work later. It’s myth that sleep can be short-changed. From the brain’s viewpoints, getting six hours of sleep during the week is a permanent loss. 2. The brain needs physical activities, even though we think of this organ, naturally, as mental. But because it monitors and control the body, your brain participates physical stimulates it automatically. Exercise has a direct brain connection, when you consider that it actually does. This is why the jump from being sedentary/ inactive to doing a minimal amount of exercise of such as walking, light gardening, and climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator is so healthy. Sharing your anxiety with others in the same predicament/ pickle/ jam/ mess is one way to begin to clear it. Our fear leads us into blind alleys/ path of false hope. In such cases, the mind isn’t really alert to what the body is saying, and vice versa.
A good mind need good and best sleep. Rigidity counters chaos in the wrong way. Rigid people have clamped/hold down. Their behaviour is set along fixed patterns.
The atmosphere is clouded, to trust what your body is telling you require experience. You need to a certain amount of mind body training and that takes time. The very important task of becoming aware of your body doesn’t have to be boring. You mostly need mind and body to make friends again, to go back to their natural alliance/ groping. One way is to do so is to sit quietly with your eyes closed and simply feel the body. Let any sensation come to the surface. Don’t react to the sensation, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Just relax and be aware of it. Just noticed where the sensation is coming from. You won’t have only one sensation or feeling. You will find that your awareness goes from place to place, one moment noticing your foot or your stomach, your, your chest or your neck all with become a type of energy. Even, if you’re consciously ignore what is happening in your cells, just below your awareness unconscious information is being exchanged. Bringing your conscious mind into the loop adds to this communication. Advance yogis can alter their involuntary response at will, such as lowering their heart rate and breathing to very low level, or increasing skin temperature in a very precise way. To unlock may new promise that super brain holds, we must first solve an old mystery. No mystery is older or greater than again. You must pay attention to the whole body for a lifetime. 3. Meditation brings a sense of well being to the mind, while silently spreading the same feeling. The mind body connection is real, and choices make a difference. The secret to compliance isn’t exerting/ use more willpower or beating yourself up for not being perfect. The secret is changing without force. Anything you force yourself to do will eventually fail. Whatever you do now you must keep doing for decades so let’s stop thinking in terms of discipline and self control. Some people are prevention saints. They consume only one tablespoon of total fat per day in their diet because that’s the ideal amount for heart health. They ignore wind and rain and get in five hour of vigorous exercise a week. Cells share and cooperate. No cell lives in isolation. You are part of the human community, and coexistence is the most natural and healthy way to live. Cells don’t struggle with this truism. Our brain is the most spectacular evidence of that. But we are all tempted to strike out on our own driven by ego to amass/ collect more and more for ourselves adding close family but excluding most everyone else. 4. Cells are self healing When you are self aware you learn how to repair your own damage. This comes naturally to cells, although healing is still one of the most complex and the most complex and baffling bodily process. We only know that it exists and that life depends upon it. Cells are fortunate not to have to think about healing. They spot any damage, and instantly the repair mechanism sets to work. At the mind body level, there is a basic parallel. But much healing isn’t automatic, as we know from those who never recover from grief. Most of the time healing is a conscious activity. You look inside and ask itself that how am I doing. There is no guarantee that you will find the key, and when your inner damage is sore/ painful and aching. Even looking at it can be too much. Self healing means overcoming the pain and finding a way to be comes whole again. The path looks something like this. A small child crying out from Mommy to come and help has no other resources. A child can’t comprehend/ understand the final stage instead he continuing crying. I trust my ability to heal/ cure. But healing is part of the best feedback look that holds mind and body together. https://youtu.be/gqBo6YDTq00
The more you experience even a moment of trying to heal yourself, the greater your ability grows.Throughself awareness you realize that healing is one of the most powerful forces sustaining your life. Vision gives you purpose and meaning. Love gives you vibrant emotions and lasting passion. A long reach gives you a challenge that will take years to meet. Taken all together, these three primal elements lead to true happiness. Just guess I am happy enough. My life is a good as that of the person sitting next to me. I deserve more quality and happiness in my life. My aspirations are starting to come true. It’s unbelievable, but the universe is on my side. This is an arc of growing trust, the kind of trust that comes naturally to cells but he get gets compromised in our own lives. 5. Thing that, ‘What I am? Nobody has the right to change me. Familiarity creates my comfort zone. My daily routine is beginning to seem stale/ hard. It’s the easiest way to live and thrive. On the other side cells allows various message to go where they are needed. If you experience denial or repression, or the censorship of certain feeling and the eruption of other. May be we must need to face our bidden attitude and suppressed feeling. The wisdom of cells correlates perfectly with the world’s great teacher of wisdom. Death is not the equal and opposite of life. It is a part of life, which overarches everything. Whatever is born must die, and yet in the cosmic scheme, to die is only a transition to another kind of life. If your are afraid of death, it is bad for your body, not because death looms so darkly but because fear of any kind is toxic. Those who have great anxiety and suffer from the ost stress, Moreover, it’s too casual, and mistaken, to link again and death. Again happens to the body, death happens to the self. Therefore, the person who has the strongest sense of self, who has deeply investigated the great question of Who am I? Is likely to have the most calmness in the face of death. The good news is that the sting of death is largely psychological and so you can remove it. Nature is on your side. The vast majority of dying patients have come to terms with it. Therefore, the person who has the strongest sense of self they are very talented person on the earth. We will have much more to say about how to reach your true or core self. It’s a vital issue since the world’s wisdom traditions declare that death cannot touch the true self. 6. I don’t think about death. It’s painless. The main things are to live your life right these minutes. Anyway, I SECRETLY DON’T BELIEVE I WILL GROW OLD AND DIE. Achieving wisdom is a lifetime project. We are encouraged by the new old age and by studies that indicate the positive side of aging which can be grouped under the rubric of maturity. Older people tend to underperform on test of memory. 7. So the friend don’t be fear because when you start to fear so that means you are losing your confidence. And when you are losing your confidence that means you are losing your integrity, which totally destroy you. Thanks guy best of luck and take care. Hope you understand the strategies of mind which is called as Super Brain by author Mr Surendar Thakur.
I can’t expect life to bring new things to me. I need to motivate myself. It’s possible to create a comfort zone in the midst of change. Your co-operation with natures may meet with resistance at first but if you press on.
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