Why I have lot of problem in my life. No life is full of struggle. If life would not be struggle so no body can respect to God, no body believe that what is God and what is love among the humanbeing. A man do the work unless they had not any problem. All the people on the earth does their best only the feeling of the circumstances. Why there are Guru and Chela. Guru always says that to take a LAMP with you, even though you don’t required so they carry lamp so that other can also be away from you.


1.       Why I have lot of problem in my life. No life is full of struggle. If life would not be struggle so no body can respect to God, no body believe that what is God and what is love among the humanbeing. A man do the work unless they had not any problem. All the people on the earth does their best only the feeling of the circumstances. Why there are Guru and Chela. Guru always says that to take a LAMP with you, even though you don’t required so they carry lamp so that other can also be away from you.

2.       Since childhood a child starts to learn from stomach of his/ her mother. Why I am not satisfied just realised that feelings. Why they not talk about the reality. They fear to be die but not to be fear for doing more fault. When somebody is died so people do not let allowed to their own child to visit outside because of somebody had died.  Every things has a solution but life has not a solution to keep alive. But have to labours on particular, each and every day. We born in between dead group die in dead group. Then only we realised that what is alive and dead.

3.       Sometimes our spirituality calls us what to do but we never reconcile to feelings of spirituality even we can’t understand the language of emotion, which are sending by spirituality. Every humanbeing has a receiver of that language to feel it inspite somebody utilising so some are not. If not understanding the feeling of other so how could be possible to keep safe to itself. Week people always ready face on itself. You are alone that is truth. We are alive this is also true. Spirit is type of experience and energy (speed). The more we realised the feeling the slowly start to understand the spirit. Our conscious and awareness is the initial level of spirit. Sometimes we read the whole books but even don’t know whether read all the pages or not. Why we do the work but don’t know what are we doing. Improve the power of conscious. Spiritual can never be die. It can never be experiment or it cannot be justify. It can only be realised and once start to realise then automatically starts to give output indirectly. Spirit is already held in your body.

4.       Most of the people are unconscious they couldn’t know where are they going what they are doing. Just they ready to forget to anything very fast. Whenever they realise circumstances/ inevitable coming in life, they changed the track and feel to be save their life by changing their routes which are absolutely wrong. Try to accept track. Don’t keep your hand on your head and stop to itself with wine bottle. Once we feel the realization of track of simultaneously it converted into goodness/ sweetness but for that we must have the patience. Sometimes we gone for respect but receipt a rejection from anyone so why. We never try to know that where are we going why I am going.

5.       Whenever you are dreaming so dream better way. Dream also become your habit as like you moves in market with bike which means no need to think where to go, its by default. It is called development of subconscious mind. Osho said that never do like other doing, do some thing unique to be unique. If I am doing different so that means no body is like me, if I am doing same as like other so any body can do it that. Some body is meditating but also thinking, “Is somebody watching or not”. Let them do what other are doing and concentrate on your job where you want to focus.

6.       Focusing on particular work is very important as well as avoiding to other while start your own business. If I need any answer of any question so it never get from outer world inspite itself. All the answer of the question is existing in our body/mind and for that we just have to asked for itself. Try to ask more and more question with itself and also try to solve by itself. All answer and question are co-related with each other. If circumstances are existing in this universe so solution are also existing this world. If we have not proud so we have grace/ pity on us. All the circumstances are created by itself. Whatever faults done by us that all have to pay only in this world before die.  Karma is also getting only by money. There are no any God to come and will write what you have done on this earth. All the good and bad things are written by itself. There are no final estimate rather than your hard work.

7.       Lot of people are also there who are telling the destination/ achievements of human being by looking hand. One thing has to see that is to search the meaning of life. Human being required patience to begin/ initiate any work. Never depend on will power called as self disciplined. A desire not comes at all the time. Some time can do more work but some time not even one work. Do and make your negative mind fool in such a way like it is ready to do work at any time. By anyhow try to complete your desires. Make yourself like your will power is zero so then also are you ready to do the work. Yes we can do it by changing strategy. Never depend on motivation because motivation will not work at all the time. Some time you also need to make some different strategy.

8.       Who is my enemy? My ego is my enemy. Your dedication should like this you want to achieve in this world. How to control our mind and itself. Never control to itself just give them another way to flow the negative so that positive flow will come to the same way and you can save it. If somebody is doing job so how could they take risk. It means he is doing some thing what he should to not. Try to learn more and more. Think what you want and where you want to go.


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