book reading 2020
1. For develop the talent must have money and must need money more for making strategies to gain. No man can be satisfied with little. To be content with little is simple. The ordinary man or woman required more and more wealth. It is very essential to understand science of getting rich and live for the mind, body and soul.
2. We are all are equated with all the things. No man is fully satisfied unless they could well. Study the more and more books time to time to evaluate itself because it is best mentor which give guide in all circumstances. Books are the God. Which gives the feelings to know and aware the negative and positive feelings.
3. There is a science of getting of rich. Property and ownership comes doing thing in certain ways. Getting rich is not a matter of environment. But may be side by side one may be rich by business mother done anything by own effects. Having known greater talent can do it.
4. One get rich another get poor by doing thing in certain way. Certain way very few talent are rich but stupid also may rich moreover. People get rich on any business in which they are perfect. One who has capital they are rich. Getting of capital is a type of things. If I have not capital so can get it the capital. If I am wrong can also be right. It is very-very change of becoming the owner of the own business.
5. Increasing Life. Increasing life what is the things what is living in all and all is also in me but I cannot proceeds that all. All thought push us to think and do next thought and achieving next. Knowledge increase continuously but it takes time to become rich knowledge.
6. In order to do more be more we must also think to learn more do more and become some ordinary person we must get rich so that can live more and desire to live more . The one substance desire to have in me and will receive as it is as low of attraction. The universe desire me to have everything I want to have nature is friendly to plan. Life is a performance of function.
7. How Rich Comes to Me. Thinking in a certain way I just believe what I want clear mental picture. 80% of people who don’t want to do job they want only business. There is a process. By following that process they can do what they want to achieve in their life.
8. Think of emotion will make emotion. Every thought of substances creates form of creations which converted into energy as a form of energy. One day a in Landon reporter asked to one of famous specialist, Author & Doctor that what is the most embarrassment thing and weakness of human being in the world. Author replied that Human being cannot dreamed big about himself, Only 5% of people were achieved success 95% not achieved. Human being must know that where I am going.
9. One great psychologist Rolmani Written a wonderful Book that self search of human being most of the people they are doing a same job what others are doing. Try to do a unique work.
10. Why need success because of following reasons:-
(a) If a teacher who want to teach student because he/ she want to tech student and it was his/her desires to
teach. He is successful.
(b) A women who want to cook food as a good house wives and she has desires to be worth of doing that
work. She is called successful.
(c) Salesmen who are desires to be worth for doing business, they are called successful.
11. There are no any guarantee of anything unsuccessful people always does a wrong work. If I am thinking positive so will get only positive response. I will receive what will I seed/ crop the field/mind. If I am keeping something positive so it will give us too much as I desire. Where I am just thinking, these all are the effect of the natures. Dream of success means how human being believe on itself.
12. If I say what is the key of success, so nobody can give right key. Because everybody has their own key. We must know that I will receive what I will crop. Just think my dream is to become a Great Businessman. Just think that I will not lose anything but I can receipt all my things. Write my goal in a card see every day to the card. Habit doesn’t come at once, but once it comes then it becomes the partner of our life. Do hard labour and do more and more work.
13. Since when I desire tell then I feel and started to become a rich person and also become a part of rich people. Success gets only to those who deserve to do hard work. Everyday neither sees the goals and write it on note until nor get success. Follow the path of success and do more and more work. Just think what you want to do believe on itself as I am a Great Businessman. How can be we more focused.
14. Clarity of mind means clarity of passion and too, this is why a great and clear mind lovers ordinary and see distinctly what is love. The secret is to the more questions I ask for we will be in control of our mind. He secret is to keep asking question from our mind regularly. Our mind is doing that and working with what I achieve.
15. The mind act like enemy for those who don’t controlled. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists who ever lived on this earth. So be grateful for what we have and think to those all the things whatever I have available. Life is supposed to be fun. Play with law of attraction. Everything is possible for the person who believes. It is also said that there is no time for law of attraction. There is only this moment of now. If I need something, any desires so love it the desires. Give thank whenever happens anything good in our life.
16. There is a subject called better habit thinking poor thinking habit keep more people poor. Author surendar always say that I CAN SLEEP WHEN THE WIND IN BLOW. It means do the thing before to come problem. Destiny is no matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. Love is the master key that open the gates of happiness. I must be ready and alert to receive the sound which I love most. The Good news is that the more we give love, the more alert and aware we will become. Love bring complete alertness. There is no shortcut to success.
17. The science of getting rich say that do it in the present time whatever want to do in your life. Present is the best time to do any work. If still will do so can do it many things whichever want to do in our life. Present means good luck for good means of time. Just think like still I am in good environment and just do it the work. I will be success only after doing continues work with desire work.
18. Never be distress while you at any bad circumstances, just believe to be getting success and be continue the work. After few time we see that start to getting success. Thought give a direction to win the race. By creating thought make a picture how I want to become a Great man and what to do for that and for that find the people by whom can do that business/ work.
19. I will be only become success until I believe. Those who not do their present work that means they are also not interest to do any work. Every day comes a new day for me and every day come a successful but if I believe a good for itself so it means I am successful. The whole universe start to help me while start to do any work. That work will also start to help me. Everyday do some very best to be best. Do little but best.
20. Become rich is not for only itself and their family but also for helping other people. Help to other people. The science of getting rich tells us in very mysterious way. Some people cannot achieve their own goal but only few can achieve. Rich people do the work in certain way.
21. Certain way means thinking in a certain way how the rich people think and certain way of thinking. Thinking means competitive mind. Whose value and services are best by creating mind means do something different by creative mind. Competitive mind tells us to do some very different. Never do competition with other people and think always creative with always and practice gratitude.
22. If I have less money and I have money and I am happy with that money so that minimum amount will also create very good amount, so feel gratitude of available amount. Focus good instead of bad. So that much of power is existed in the money what we have. Never say wrong to our life. Be happy of what I have. Think abundance feeling of mind so that we can get it anything. Mental feelings of the subject/ goal.
23. Think always about our goal and do more and more about goal continuously. What can we do very best for my goal? Use value of our self. Sell anything to anyone unless it helps and value adds to those person. Once I achieve the ability so will become rich in very fast. If want to go Delhi so must have to do action before have take train or plane.
24. So simple thinking and planning are also required a small action for executing and an action for fulfil dream. Talk less do more. One efforts can force you do next step. No action will give us any result. Do hard work and do very interest work for the life. Never think that any work is burden. Work can never be boar. It always is best to be best. Always take and think a work to be an effective.
25. I must have to leave with successful person so to be a successful. There are few strategies by which we can become successful. Every man thinks about poor that I am poor but they can’t feel that in spite poor what they can do for himself. In other side of abundance life. Don’t think poverty. Think some think attractive in your life so that you can also do it in your life. People who want to know how to add value in other life so it means they can easily and very fast.
26. Money means attraction and study of business subject and feeling of value added to other people. Just understand how to manufacture. Be an optimistic. Only positive thinking will not make rich instead massive action also have to create everyday in our life. Love the work what I am doing and do it continuously.
27. No success will get unless book reading. Don’t take any tension. That is different how you get tension. Just forget it and think that my goal picture is front of me and continue it the work. Some times must do the work in dedicative way. The way which I add value to other life the same will also value will come automatically. I will earn money unless I will be good person and value added to business. Never think about money think about value added something in other life. Then money will come automatically. All the money will come what value we are giving to our people. Once we understand the principle the same will come as a form of money.
28. So in last think positive, take action positive, do hard work, add value to other life, and be continues the money will also comes automatically a form of money. We can also called money value added is proportionally equal to money. Keep patience and do work patiently. I don’t have anything to be lost but have the whole world to be received. Thankyou.