How To Become Tough And Achieve Success by Surendar Thakur
1. How everybody is interested in financial pattern. All the people earn money with the best concept of the business and they starts to continue the line of same process but doesn’t think to maintain love and respect at all the time. They may be financial success but not a good man in their life.
They make their own thought pattern in their life. Medium people make pattern only to be earn as monthly salary. Most of the people were only to be conditioned for to earn money for simple life. Only few people make rich and they maintained normal life. Because they must be realistic for the life.
Our mind is like a computer. Our pattern depend upon earliest pattern for what we learn in past. If we clearly think about money, so money is not bad inspite its matter to understand the things.
2. Those who can understand that they can do it anything with the help of money so they can do it any thing in their life. If you really want to be free from financial problem so must have to understand the meaning of pattern of good behavior and good thought.
Learn good pattern and think how much you think to be earn because that will focus you in your life to maintained the same level. Analysis the current financial situation. Know the self programming methods. How to expand the money. Investment can know and understand as conditioned for what matters. New guidelines will change your life.
Wealth may also be create only by reading books also. If we really want to change our life so we must have to visualize the things the thought process to think like millionaire mind set. Think that you have one millionaire and you are free from all circumstances. You must be happy at all the time.
‘Yes’ I am happy. Our mind is just conditioned to be maintained the thought process to think about any goods to concrete measures so that we can achieve anything in life with easy way.
Rich people know that what to do and how to do in their life. Every man can do it anything in their life. Just feel the circumstance of its own life. Analysis the matter what I have lost as per our life cycle.
3. Ask question with itself and give answer to yourself. Then it is only easy to earn money. Make a habit to understand how cans I become millionaire and for that what will I do so that I can received my goal. Rich people are always ready to take calculated risk.
Big risk and big challenges can give you the big deal/ profit/ success. Those who want to become rich they need full dedication and hard labor and consistent concentration/ labor. Wake up in the morning. Learn the process of money to be debt free.

Take first step and make plan. Make a good plane to run on that plan. If you have not a good plan then it is impossible to run on that path. Be committed on your dedicative work. Think that you have secure and protected life.
The more you keep concentration on money so only will have the good dimension. If you have a small dimension so you will get only small output and small doors.
4. If you want to fly with eagle so don’t try to fight with hen/duck. Think big and make big dimension and delete small dimension and all the barriers what comes in your life. Ask from yourself that whatever you are doing the work can approach to 02 people or 20,000 people to make good enough.
Rich people cannot take price of teh value at same time, but they get respect at that time and that will give double of their benefit. Net worth will give enormous value in your life. Keep eye on your financial freedom.
5. If we take an example from Nicola Tesla written in his autobiography that whatever he seen any thing, he just started to recognized and ready to convert into reality. He started to think about science and technology.
Design of AC Motors. The power of sub-conscious mind depends upon the whole body. He also affected with cholera. But later on he recovers to itself. Hel also written that to improve his technique he made some problem salvation magic game and books to read. Nikola Tesla told that always be alone to be think to get idea.
From where you get peace and alone to find you secret. When the ideas are born. Think like energy and vibration. So must required peace and prosperous life. Subconscious mind is just like unselfish. Only like a personal benefit. Only you get lot of ideas.
Whatever he does he get more and more idea. He reads books at all the time in library. Complete mastery mind will help you to improve yourself. Start visualization to initiate your work very unique way. Just be keep and patience. Big vision will help you like great intensity.
5. Just in doing any business we must need a great concept to initiate any matter in our life. The things which stop us that will start to help me. Motivation gets only after a great distraction and circumstance which make me harm/ distract me that will help me give the clear goal for what I want to achieve in my life. Obsessive is the only singular focus to achieve over achiever.
Be a creative which will help you to create big deal in your life. We cannot be expert in our life unless we focus in our work. Obsession is the one main reason because to win the world. David Gogin says that every failure says that whenever you happy with you that time you feel that no matter what other is telling on you but you are constantly get happy by doing your personal work.
5. To initiate any work you required a consistency in a singular work just like blogging. Write content everyday and pose every three days by checking. Do something that suck everyday to you. Take action on every day. Seek out pain, fall in love with suffering.
That means he started to feel about himself. Pain is not bad in our life it’s a fuel to enhance our life further direction. Whether season is cold or summer, not matter and impact should to be on your work. Believe that you must raise your standard. Increase and cross your limitation. Do some very well for your life. Obsession will do what you can’t be accept.
Singular focus will help you to create and maintain yourself at the best level. Love to yourself and utilize your weakness. Do something’s that sucks every day. Then only your transferred cycle with starts to run. There are lot of the people who spend their life by innovating in bad circumstance. Once you started to visualize so automatically you start to live with you.
Once you started to achieve your desire than automatically you will feel happiness in your goal. Therefore you always choose your survival goal. David also said motivation is not as good as you need it must depend on how you start to do practice and become master of your own work. Only few people are exists in the world who never give-up with bad and inevitable circumstances.
There is only one life in world to live and dead so live better and excited. Just write it down on paper. Since childhood I was trying to achieve some very good things but I things to and recognized to do some very well.
David childhood was very hard. So friends believe on yourself. Only one way is very easy and that is to connect it negative energy, but it’s not good to you. Whenever you get time so write notes on your diary that what are your bad circumstances, which will you give enormous energy to enhance your life better.
Accept your bad circumstances and start to love with circumstances. David Goggins thought man on earth. All the man on the earth who has a great dealer they only survive due to their full practice so if your would also want to become successful so do practice and study biography of good/ rich people. You do one things in your daily life so that you not feel uncomfortable.
Create good environment. Those who have such environment they create some of the best life forever and ever. How to become tough and achieve impossible goal. How can you make tough to yourself. David Gogins tells that most of the people they don’t know what should be do rather they are just living.
Our mind also has a governor so please delete that governor and touch your success. Increase your study load and try to increase your mental toughness. Your toughest race will give you what you need in your life.
6. So friends ask one question with yourself that why you are doing this all things and what you need from it. Unless and until you get any answer from your inners so you may not achieve your goal for what you practicing.
Do hard work but also ask from yourself that why I am doing. Make after acting report, make notes of your goal. Only why you are doing these all things. Suddenly you get full concentration and will focus on your singular work and your speed will also increase. After Action Report.
Take U turn in your life so that you may do lot of work in your life because only u turn is the one idea to break all circumstances. Think positive do positive and keep yourself in alone to be focus and attractive with dedicative work. Make uncomfortable to you and push to yourself on daily basis whenever feel demoralize so do some things by which your motivation will come back to you.
nyc good keep kt up
Thakyou Nira
keep it up surendar bhaiee