HOW TO BE MOTIVATED REGULAR ON YOUR DESTINY : SURENDAR THAKUR. Three scientific formulas to get motivated at all the time:-
(a) Set your goal You set your goal whether do small works or big works you must be motivated at all the time. You have to have a goal in your life.
When a person who is just walking on the road and if you ask where you do want to reach and by what time do you reach to your location. HOW TO BE MOTIVATED REGULAR ON YOUR DESTINY : SURENDAR THAKUR
In replied, “He say that no I am just walking. I don’t want to be reach anywhere, and another one who is going very fast. He reply just like specific location and time actually where did he want to be reach.
He has a specific goal and automatic his energy has increased so that he is giving his best in his life. In our life whatever doing whether doing gym, playing sports or reading books so you must clear one thing that why you are doing this.
Did you have any reason in your life and what benefit and loss will have to be face or what will you get it in your life if you do this work. HOW TO BE MOTIVATED REGULAR ON YOUR DESTINY : SURENDAR THAKUR
Then only you will be motivated and can give your best in that work. Most of the people have the same problem while they wake up in morning they don’t know what is the goal in his life and what they want to achieve in his life.
They just living like kite with blind air. Unless you have specific goal in your life you may find yourself as a lack of passion, happiness, energy and it is happening only because of you not set your goal in your life.
So friends, whenever you do work in your life so must be clear that you have a specific goal with time. Since when you start to connected people and society then only you will be motivated.
So give some best to your society. Motivation is of two types and it comes from inner side and also comes from outer side. Internal motivation comes from inside. Than only we study more.
Which brings confidence and study power. So we don’t get what we want. We only receive what we want must. And have patient right this motion. Try to like what you like.
Learning in itself will give you motivation. You start to fight with big dream and then you through to yourself fully unless and until you reached to your goal.
Think big and labor hard so that big dream will be in you.
What is the one thing to get motivated and achieve success only by them? Who is my friend and where I spending my time? Is it myself or my friends?
Please try to spend more time with only by you because the more you spend time with you then you will not be distract with your environment.
Create positive identity just like I am intelligent, I am brilliant and I am a Great Businessman, I am a successful.
That you did a great job. Try to motivate itself at all the time. Let me give you positive scientific formula for your life.
Tell all your best and positive suggestion to your life in front of mirror. So that you see, you are getting all your mental immunity like vaccination.
Give your positive energy with emotion to feel you energetic in your life. Whenever you typing your blog always say I am the greatest yes “I can do”.
“We cannot be motivated at all time but your WHY will only keep you motivated”.
Focus on positive if you mainly focus on problem so will be bad for you or if your focus increasing towards solution so your problem will automatically will decrease by default.
How much I interested in market that control must be in our hand. How can we rectify my best with my work with passion? Focus on positive attitude. Set your mind and set your goal in your life.
Now social media has lot of motivational vide by which we get motivated at all the time. Hard work with smart work required in right direction with right dimension on proper target.
Keep your vision clear on your target. Always think that what your target is. Think at all the time what is your goal in your life. All the time you need you required dedication on your desires.
If you don’t have any goal so you will run for other desires and goal. Once if stick so be dedicative on one thing. Give your full concentration just like doing blog and post blog timely.
We have conscious mind and sub-conscious mind which is the masters of our life. Do you think that positive thinking is good and what is the benefit of their positive thinking and how will we survive with positive thinking?
To know anything and to obey anything is very tough in life. Instead we all know that what is good and bad in our life. Depending upon how much effort given in our work.
The day in which we think not to think same thought came in our mind. How could we disappear night from environment for that we keep practice of light.
Logic Power
Judgement power will comes because your efforts begun regularlyand it origin proper motivation to do what you love in your life.
Decide Your Goal
“Give time to yourself for how to achieve your success”. Visualization is the main master of your life. Visualize it whatever you want.
Because conscious mind is the officer and visualization is clerk and your study is Other Ranks. So first you must visualize more and more with full recommendation to your conscious mind with more and more time.
That will recommend how to utilize you and how will achieve your goal. So consistency will be provided by conscious mind (officer)”.
Burz Khalife
“Before construction of big building they constructed it in deep more strongly to construct building which is the tallest building in the world”. To understand the reality and feeling of person to know well and how to elaborate any work.
Find your specific goal in your life. If you have not any goal so all the time you have weak power and less energy not motivated and your moral will also be down.
One goal should must be clear in your mind what do you want to do. For that in the very morning wake up and start to achieve it very first in your life.
Have a Clear Goal in Your In Life.
Never make disturb to your mind. Spend more time with you and yourself. What you are talking and what benefit are you getting in your life.
And how will you motivate to your life. Give positive command to your mind because you mind the best solution if you want to solve your problem in your life so ask and find the solution from yourself. Nobody in the world can change your life unless you ready.
You have the power to solve all the question of your life and get good solution which is the positive solution which you must deserve in your life. Control your mind with full energy and process it violent with positive energy.
Yes I Can Do It
Only pressure will help you to start your desire and to get your success. If you don’t have any plan in your life so you will be one another’s plan by default. So find your passion with your time.
Love your work with time and do what you love don’t go on time because your time will change you unless and until you not reached to your success. You will not be success unless you not are leverage.
Understand what your weakness is. What is your fault? See your future. And start your life.
How to Raise Your Vibration in Your Life
- Change your environment.
- To your environment.
- Choose your environment.
- Love your environment.
- Your responsibility is your environment.
The more you give the more you receive in your life.
“If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goals.
The way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything you do and everything that happens to you.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly.
You have complete control over only on one thing. Positive thoughts are life enhancing. They empower you and make you feel stronger and more confident.
Positive thinking is not just motivational idea. It has just motivational idea. It has measurable, constructive effects on your personality, your health your levels of energy, and your creativity.
The more positive and optimistic you are the happier you will be in every area of your life”.
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