1. Financial Strength Provides the Power to Overcome Difficulties. Although you may think that your worries are mostly psychological, surprisingly seventy to eight present of those worries could be solved by achieving economic stability and know the meaning of what is invincible thinking : Surendar Thakur-2.
I can assure you that if you were to earn ten times your present income, eighty present of your worries would disappear. You would be amazed at how true this is. I assure you that if you were to earn ten times you present income, eighty present of your worries would disappear.
You would be amazed at how true this is. In light of this, we see that the cause of most domestic problem is financial, this has been particularly true in recent years, so instead of simply worrying, and you need to make an effort to find alternatives and solutions to your predicament.
If your carrier seems to have come to a standstill and you can only expect your salary to rise with an increase in the GNP, you then need either to learn to be satisfied with what you have, or try and find some way of improving your circumstances.
2. Discover the Invincible Self
Is it possible that you are putting limits on your own abilities? Are you allowing yourself to be controlled by the past? Are you holding on to fixed ideas or assumption about yourself? If this is the case, unfortunately you will end up living your entire life according to those fixed ideas.
If you worried that your weakness lies in intelligence, firstly do not complain that your abilities are limited. Instead, try to make an effort to learn, to adopt a wider perspective, and to achieve some understanding of a wide range of topic.
Once you have managed to do this, you will find there is no longer any need to suffer this inferiority complex. Progress steadily, one step at a time, as if you were climbing steps or the rugs of a ladder one at a time.

As continue doing this, I guarantee that a path will open up before you, and you will discover the self that is always victorious and invincible. What is important in this situation is to change your outlooks, in other words, adopt a new way of thinking.
Always ask yourself if there is some other way of seeing a situation. Another important point is to be willing to make the effort to devise new ways of improving a situation. It is a very important practice doing this. It will not feel that they have wasted their time.
This skill is developed with training. The more you practice, the more new way you will come up with to free yourself from a dilemma. This kind of mental exercise is important and if you make a habit of thinking like this, you will find that the chances of coming up with a good idea increase dramatically.
You will achieve a certain level of skill at doing this. Once you have this ability, you will find that whenever you are faced with a problem, you will be able to say to yourself, well, the problem lies in this if I manage this problem in such and such a way that things should turn out OK.
If you do this mental exercise, you will no longer see problems simply as a question choosing between a good and a bad outcome, you will realize that every problem you face, both in your environment and in your relationship with those around you, can be solved by finding a different approach. It is a very interesting experience.
Think in the Opposite Way to Create Positivizes
While we are on the subject of mental exercise, I would like to consider efficiency at work, although you probably work very hard at your job, you may sometimes feel as if you are never able to catch up with all your work.
Life can be extended through effort. It is a fact that you can extend your life through effort. It is said that the span of a person life is already fixed, but this is not one 100% true. In this course of your life, you come to several turning points which mark the start of new phases.
If you are able to achieve some sort of revolution in your thinking at these turning points, you may be able to extend your own life. If you an offer some reason why you should remain in this world, you can extend your life here.
If you are unable to do this, you have to leave. But if you can demonstrate some reason for your continued presence, you will be allowed to remain on earth. You still have to work on yourself and think for that. If you are still in 20, you have a lot of work to do.
If you have a hundred years of life left. Life is like a fireworks display, if there were only one kind of fireworks, it would be boring. You need to prepare two; three, four different kinds of fireworks and now and again a rocket would be nice.
The richness of our should can be cultivated only continual learning what is certain to enrich you, regardless of whether or not, it will help you in the future. To acquire this richness, a grand scale life plan is essential.

When you are faced with difficult situation, you probably want to know what you need to do in practical term. Most people are looking for an answer to the question. What should I do? How should I go about solving this problem?
Once you problems have been solved, you will find that most of your worries have disappeared and you will reach the next stage in your development, moving forward in your life in a positive way. In this part of the content, I will consider what you need to master and the minimum number of obstacles you must overcame to be victorious in life.
4. The relationship between mind and body as people get older they tend to complain more. This is a common occurrence among those in their sixties or seventies who, at the same time, begin to worry about what might happens the future and what has happened in the past.
You may think that this is a problem of the mind, but why should it be that it affects people more when they get older? The main reason is that people find their bodies have become much weaker than they used to be.
If your decision to live in honest poverty becomes tainted by envy, then poverty itself will be transformed into something negative. If, on the other, allows you to get rid of attachment to material things and the vibration of your mind is still pure, their poverty become a virtue.
But if poverty leads jealously and envy of the material possession of other, your heart will become clouded, and poverty can be considered wrong.
Some people worry because they have too much money, but compared to those who have no money or who are in debt, it can generally be said that they are in much better position to find harmony in their hearts. It is often said that to have enough money not have to worry is good, and basically I agree with this.
Sufficient money to allow you to lie without privation is a good thing. If you cannot admit this, your life will be one of envy and misery. If you discover this negativity in yourself or in those around you, you need to fight to vanquish it.
If you feel restricted by poverty, if it makes you feel miserable and envious of other, then you should make an effort break out of it. So if you live life a honesty poverty, do not envy others.
Three Basic principles for creation of wealth. First is that which has always been true, is thrift, that is to say economy, frugality and cutting out waste, that is to say economy. This is the starting point. If you are wasteful or live an extravagant life, no matter how much money you may have, you will gradually use it all.
The second principle for the creation of wealth that money accumulates around those who know how to use it. It will not suddenly appear in the middle of field, but it will come to those who know what it is for. If you are in low stage so must have to increase earning source to improve yourself, by legally.
People who feel that they do not need money will never become right. Real wealth only comes to those who have a clear idea of what they want the money for. All over the world wealth is overflowing, looking for those who know how to use it.
It flows to the place where it is needed most. There are a large number of people in the world who possess a lot of money but do not know how to use it. That is why when someone proposes a good idea about how to make use of money, wealth will automatically to them. A good example of this is a new business.
When people start a business, they find that the necessary capital will come together. Banks will invest in the business, as will partners; someone may appear and provide office space. So help comes from much different direction. It all begins with good ideas that move people’s hearts with WHAT IS INVINCIBLE THINKING : SURENDAR THAKUR-2.
These attract energy from wealth will gravitate to people with ideas and enthusiasm in other words people who know how to use it. It is important to have lofty ideas about how to use wealth. Thirst Principle is the same as the law of the mind.
Which is people who give will receive. If you succeed in gathering wealth, you should not try to monopolize it for yourself. Wealth will certainly circulate to you if you try and use it so as to contribute to improving the lifestyle of others and bringing them happiness.
In other words, if you use your money just for your own sake it will gradually disappear but if you try to use it for the sake of as many people as possible you will find that it will continue to grow and multiply. Henry Ford is one of the great men who deserved for their greatness.
The reason he was able to do this was that he dreamed of a time when everyone, even office employees and manual laborers, would be able to buy a car of their own.
He wanted to build a car that people would be able to buy out of their own wages, with a single year’s earning, and gradually he was able to see his dream come true. Love is proportionally equal to wealth. If you want to increase you wealth so must have to be investing wealth for love like social work like donation etc. By default your perception gradually begins income will begin.
I would like you to bear this sin mind and remember that having greater influence through wealth is definitely not to be tough of as something negative. As the third themes, I want to consider the issue of spouses and the home. I would like to begin by looking at how to marry the ideal spouses.
Some people worry about this for five, ten even twenty years but the answer is surprisingly simple. I can almost hear you saying that I cannot be true you are always telling us that effort will be rewarded and to those who ask shall be given what do you mean if we chase the object the matters in this way.
So friends values are different only you able to run good path. If you really want to earn money so must love the world, must love entire existed creatures whether it is living things or non-living things. These are the great fundamental rules of CREATION.
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