1. Do good deed every day or at least think of good deeds every day. You should try this mantra in your life and see its magnetic influence. Some people may think that it is beyond their means.
Happiness comes from your heart not from your money. If you start to be happy then money will come by default. Beside, you may also be able to do some service physically to the injured and sick.
2. Remember to give or donate while you are living in this world. You will be appreciated and remembered for your charity only when you donate while living, otherwise your position will be like the position of the pig in the following story as told by some great man.
True the cow gave milk and cream, but he maintained pigs gave more: they provided man with bacon and ham, and bristles for brushed.
He demanded the reason for such lack of appreciation. The cow thought for a while, then remarked.
It may be that people like me because I give milk while I am living while you give everything only after you are dead”.
3. The only way to be happy is to make others happy is to make others happy. You will never be so close to anyone as when you are doing something for them with no other motive than their happiness or welfare.
To talk about their goodness and worship of God while ignoring human suffering is futile for God loves those who love the poor and the helpless ones. Swami Vivekananda said that this life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive.
4. Service makes us evolve spiritually, and helps us realize in deeds of daily life, the great truth of the brotherhood of all creation.
Live is a divine quality. It can enable us to create a halo of peace, amity and cheer all around us.
Unfortunately, we are not able to curb our selfish tendencies. Even if one has no money to help others, he can help them amply with good thoughts, Kind, encouraging words infuse with new strength and vitality in the distressed people.
One can conquer the whole world through love, humility and service. “Services are what we do for others and what we receive by default”. Do the work carefully and do work needful so that you can do best in your life. So love to the people and also love to your family and give respect to your followers.
5. Generally people think that the wealthy people are happier and those who have not got so much resources as to be able to afford all the comforts and luxuries of life, cannot become happy. We are able to tap our inner power and strength to its highest potential.
We become more energetic and creative. Realize that selfishness is a curse to human life. Selfishness makes us narrow-minded, petty and greedy. Cultivate the quality of selflessness. This is not easy at first. Every day I close the door and sit in meditation, but peace remains as elusive as ever.
If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. Love can cure, love can heal, repair, love can restore, and love can reform and melt the heart of even a stone-hearted person.
Love is the most powerful person and emotion in the earth. That is the power of love. So let us go forth into the world with a song in our heart and smile on our lips.
6. Swami Vivekananda has said if you have faith in three millions Gods, but have no faith in yourself, so your life will be doomed. It means that God helps them who help themselves.
Think about Swami Vivekananda when he went to the USA to address the Parliament of Religions.
He was standing and remarkable improvement in their confidence and speaking power. All the power is within you. Therefore make your own future. Weakness is a sure sign of death.
The Great Washington Irving said that, “Great minds have purposes, others have wishes. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above”. Develop your mind power.
Let the whole world be at your command. Whatever our mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Every advance in our life begins with an idea of some kind and since our ability to generate new ideas is unlimited, your future can be unlimited as well. This life is a great game. Make the effort to win it.
Thousands of people in this world are suffering some have no hands, or no feet to walk with. How can you with all your faculties at your disposal, admit failure? You must not do so.
When you go backward your mental outlook is so unclear that you think the whole world is going backward.
But you will always advance if you are accomplishing something. That future belongs to those who fuse intelligence with faith and who with courage and determination grope their way forward from chance to choice, from blind adaptation to creative evolution. Never think lowly of yourself.
You too have a divine spark inside you. Just remember have ever been. Believe that you always have the right to hold a high opinion of yourself. ‘Prayer is a channel through which enormous power can flow’. If you must be mad, be it not for the temporary things of the world. Be mad for the love of God.
Time spent in communion with God is never lost. ‘Highest purpose of faith or prayer is not to change my circumstance but to change me’. Pray to do the will of God in every situation, nothing else is worth praying for.
Prayer may not change all things for you, but it surely changes you for all things. Whenever you feel restless sit down for prayer and your restlessness will simply vanish.
7. Pray to do the will of God in every situation, nothing else is worth praying for. Prayer is a direct speaking with to god and it’s a best dialogue to communicate with God.
Mahatma Gandhi beautifully describes the purpose of prayer can live for days together without food. But without prayer he cannot live even for a moment.
Prayer is the breath of life. As food is necessary for the body, so prayer is necessary for the soul.
True prayer never goes unanswered. When the mind is full of prayerful thought, everything in the world seem good and agreeable. Prayer is essential for progress of life. Prayer is essential for progress of life.
Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate; it is a real as terrestrial gravity.
Prayer, like radium, is a source of luminous, self-generating energy. In prayer, human beings seek to augment their finite energy by addressing themselves to the infinite source of all energy. When we pray, we link ourselves with in our motive power that spins the universe.
Prayer time is never wasted time. Sometimes we think we are too busy to pray. That is a great mistake, for praying is a saving of time.
When you take one step toward God, He will take more steps toward you than you could ever count. Prayer alone proves that you trust God. When mind and speech unite earnestly asking for a thig, that prayer is answered.
Of no avail are the prayers of that man who say with his mouth. Pray for more and more faith. He who has faith gets everything. Everything is a possible to him who believeth. Therefore, pray person for water. Accept God’s plan for you, and surrender itself to the God.
8. Swami Jagadatmananda says that Prayer supplements and complements meditation. With the help of intense prayer meditation becomes easy.
Before starting meditation it is better to pray for ten or fifteen minutes with a concentrated mind. Just with the gathering of clouds, there will be a break of showers, when the prayer becomes so good to us.
“Does Deep Praying Before You Find Yourself In a Deep Hole”.
God can hear the footsteps of even an ant. Won’t he then hear your prayer? When your yearning is ripe, He is sure to hear your voice.” Let prayer become a habit with you. Pray, pray and pray continue to pray. God is not going to act for us.
What we forget is that God act at the right time. If he has not yet acted, it only means that the right time has not come yet. This applies not only to our material requirements. But also to our mental and spiritual needs. Prayers makes you move on the right path.
It helps you from deviating from your principles and your mission and it protects you from the temptation of the world which appears sweet and delicious at the beginning but in long run they ruin the person completely.
Prayers make you move on the right path. It helps you form deviating from your principles and your mission.
It protects from the temptation of the world which appears sweet and delicious at the beginning but in long run they ruin the person completely.
“The nearer you are to God through prayer, the less you will have occasions to cry or weep”. We will be loser if we do not trust or pray to God. God will not lose anything if we threaten him saying.
Begin to realize more and more that prayer is the most important things you do.
You can use your time to no better advantage than to pray whenever you have an opportunity to do so, either alone or with others, while at work or while at rest, anywhere.
The daily practice of silence, prayer and meditation are the most effective techniques for making the mind healthy, stable and focused.
Do not wait for bitter experiences, serious reversals or fortune and major illnesses to afflict you before you turn to God.
9. Prayer is communication with God and expressing thankfulness or asking blessing. It is a supplication to fulfil your aim, your ambition, and your goal. It is a welcome to God to enter in you.
Prayer is our most formidable weapons, the things which make all else we do efficient. Every mother is moved by the children crying in pain. Mother is by nature kind.
God is like mother. Let us continue to pray and repeat the name of God.
Let us cry for him and then like a loving mother he will take us in his arms and make you free. Continue your tearful prayers to God with added vigor and sprit.
You may not feel the efficacy of the prayer at once, but in the long run it is sure to help you.
Never miss your daily appointment with God. You deceive yourself when you are too busy too involved in your work to find time for God.
We are taxing our minds and hearts with so much useless activities that too need to be charged, recharged by contact with the greatest of all power sources God.
10 Norman Vincent Peale says that if you live with God as friend, he will become so real that he will be your sturdy companion day and night.
In Bhagwat Geeta Lord Krishna says that ‘Fix your mind on me, be devote to me worship me bow down to me’.
Thus having controlled they self, and making me they goal supreme, thou shalt come unto me.
Prayers and Ethic
So friends move outside your comfort zone or your narrow well and find denture, excitement and new levels or satisfaction. Stretch your comfort zones by trying something new